Goldylocks Productions
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Twice a Month ~ Saturdays ~ 8 pm ET

Receive Messages, Guidance and Healing with a Panel of Goldylocks Productions' Spiritual Professionals in this Live Virtual Event.  Available Goldylocks Productions' Spiritual Professionals will be present at each Circle. 

​Your donation adds you to a list in which the Show Hosts use to know the order in which to give messages. 
The order in which one secures their spot, is the order that messages are given. 

Before we are Live, you can register by pre-paying for the upcoming Spiritual Message Circle. By registering this way, you secure your ‘top of the list’ spot! For pre-paying, donate through the links are below.

Once we are Live,  you can receive short messages from each spiritual professional by making a 
$20 minimum (USD) Donation via the links below. 

   Donate via Venmo: 

Donate via CashApp:$TiffanyWhiteSage 

Donate via Buy Me a Coffee:   ​

Upcoming Spiritual Message Circles
Spiritual  Message  Circle
July 20, 2024 ~ 8 pm ET  ~ 1 this month due to Holiday and Summer vacations

GP Show Hosts/Professionals Available:   

Carolan Carey, Melissa Parks, Ruth Soltman, Robyn McGuire, Marcia Colver and Tiffany White Sage Woman
August  2024 ~ 8 pm ET  ~ TBA

GP Show Hosts/Professionals Available:   

Carolan Carey, Melissa Parks, Ruth Soltman, Robyn McGuire, Marcia Colver and Tiffany White Sage Woman